Posts Tagged With: Class B RV

I Spy With My Little Eye

Do you remember that “I Spy With My Little Eye” game that we played as kids? On long road trips I loved playing that game in the car. What a great early learning tool to teach us the lesson on becoming observant. Creativity begins for me in nature when I am surrounded by fresh air, blue skies and far enough away from bears to enjoy them,……. Lol
Had I not been observant I would have missed this guy, but glad we saw him before we chose to hike on that trail. We just spent a week camping in the sorta Northern Saskatchewan area. We had a great scenic drive through the Narrow Hills Provincial Park and camped at Candle Lake and Waskasiu. Some of the following photos are my little test of observance for you,……
Do you spy with your little eye,……….. a Spruce Grouse?
Do you spy the convention of canker worms? Or tent caterpillars disguised as tree bark?
Do you spy the Beaver Damn on the lower left side of the pond?
Lol. Do not look too hard. I couldn’t spot it either.
Here is the real test! What do you see in this photo?
Haha. You may be able to see the little goslings but if you look carefully you should see the mama behind them. The creative part of me just likes this photo for the “rick rack” pattern in the water. If you have never learned to sew you may not know what the heck Rick rack is but suffice it to say that it is an edging with a zig zag pattern. See what I mean about creative people? I will admit we can be a bit odd,…..😜
I spied this article on creativity. Check it out if you are interested.
And remember

Categories: Camping, Inspiration, Journal, Nature, Provincial Parks, Saskatchewan | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment

Pleasureway RV Trip #1- Palliser Regional Park, Saskatchewan

Our first RV experience – wow, is it nice to be out of the tent!
Being Saskatchewan’ians! we chose the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan based company PLEASUREWAY for our first van purchase. Hippies at heart, we would have loved the mystical Volkswagon van , but our mature side won out for something a tiny bit more practical in our advancing years- lol

Our new retirement home

Our new retirement home

I am a list maker and a quazi- organizer, so the first purchase was non- stick cupboard liners to avoid that annoying clacking of dishes.image
In a hurry to to break in the van, we just threw in our camping gear – Rob swept out the entryway, image
We loaded up the dog , image As well as the golf clubs and got on the road. image
In keeping with the “Hippie Wanna Be” theme, our satellite radio station had to be CLASSIC VINYL of coarse. So the STONES, ACDC, and the DOORS played while we looked out the WINDOWS.
The weather doesn’t get any better than Sept in Saskatchewan
We arrived in time for a sunset walk at Palliser Regional Park after finding a campsite with a view of Diefenbaker Lake.image
A quick and easy picnic supper with of coarse , WINE
And of coarse no RV trip is completely without it’s challenges,…. This photo may be a little confusing. Rob looks like he is in love with the golf clubs , but that smile is a frustrated grimace as he tries to wrestle them out of the back corner, behind the couch/bed – and move them out of our way so we could actually eat. image
This reduction in living space is gonna take some getting used to,….. I’ve never really had to ask permission to move my golf clubs, my husband and my dog out of my way before trying to get the bathroom door open,,,,
Stay tuned for more adventures of “Rob n Les”

Categories: Food, Health, Journal, Nature, RV Travel, Saskatchewan, Travel | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

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